please help I'll be giving brainliest to the person that answers correctly!

Which of the following is an example of a difference between Northern and Southern culture?

A. Northerners gave full equality to African Americans.

B. Women in the South were included in business.

C. Wealthy Southerners had a negative attitude toward education.

D. Southerners followed a strict code of honor.​


Answer 1


for one nothing was ever fair about the day and African Americans were treated like trash I should know because I'm black and women's Rights was also jacked up one they couldn't vote they couldn't teach they can do anything all the men had to do it all that the women could do was sit at home and treat their children treating your children isn't a bad thing but you get what I'm saying and education back then wasn't also great you either they have to separate black children from to the white children and my children were treated like royalty was black people they were treated like double hot trash

Answer 2

Answer: D.


southerners followed a strict code of honors

Related Questions

How did President Kennedy finally end segregation on buses?

Please help!



President Kennedy finally end segregation on buses


For decades, in the South, African  Americans have been segregated, along with waiting rooms in bus stations, schools, public places, and restaurants. Seating on buses along with the white was forbidden as part of the segregation which separated them from other communities. In May 1961, Freedom Rides challenge segregation in interstate transportation in the South. Under the Presidency of Kennedy, Robert Kennedy sent federal marshals to protect the freedom riders. He also advised the Interstate Commerce Commission to end a policy of racial segregation related to African American travelling.

Which is one of the ways that a person can be enslaved?



being made to that one song that goes like "whatchu know bout rolling down in the deep"

Explanation:AH! AH! HeEeEeLlLpPpP!!!!! THEY'RE COMING FOR ME!!!!

5. Which of the following used mustard and chlorine gas?
a. Artillery
b. Submarines
c. Machine
d. Flame Throwers
e. Chemical weapons



Chemical weapons(E)


Which two civilizations had such a great influence on later cultures that they were called the "mother cultures"?



The two civilizations that had such a great influence on later cultures that they were called the "mother cultures" were the Olmec and the Zapotec.

What were some questions related to policies and economics people making after WW II?



1.How did the economy change after ww2?

2. How change we start over and rebuild the economy?

Is North Korea planning a Genocide on the U.S?

They spread false information and feed the people living there wrong information in schools. They tell them lies about the U.S., and encourage them to hate us. Has anyone found out, why, they are doing this?



No they won't. They spread false propaganda about the U.S.


Weather if they do it or not, we have U.S. Armed Forces reserves ready, as well as the Department of Homeland Security.

What are man-made items from the past
A. Archaeologists
B. Archaeology
C. Artifacts
D. Alchemists

Please help me





These remains can be any objects that people created, modified, or used. Portable remains are usually called artifacts. Artifacts include tools, clothing, and decorations.


man made items from the past are called artifacts

In 1824 Russia surrender all of the land if the south of



its claim to the land south of Alaska.

Hope this helps,


Please help! I’ll mark the best answer as brainlist!

- read this article “what to the slaves is the Fourth of July” and answer the question below.

“What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sound of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciation of tyrants brass fronted impudence; your shout of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanks-givings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy -- a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of the United States, at this very hour.”

- Q: What about Douglass’ feelings about the Fourth of July?

-How is the Fourth of July not a true independence day?


1. Douglass said that slaves owed nothing to and had no positive feelings towards the founding of the United States: ... What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.

2.Independence Day (colloquially the Fourth of July or July 4) is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence of the United States, on July 4, 1776.

What were the Mongols advantages over other warrior cultures?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

What were the Mongols advantages over other warrior cultures?

The Mongols were fierce warriors extremely well-trained in the arts of war. The Mongols developed the kind of military discipline and strategy to defeat their enemies.

They were not a big army compared to other empires. But they were very smart and were experts riders and archers. Since Mongols were children they were trained in the art of war and as soon as they could carry a bow, they practiced war activities.

These skills made it possible to conquer places such as Russia, during the winter!

And as we write above, the army was not as big as other armies. We are talking about 100 to 150,000 soldiers.

How has incorporation allowed the supreme court to the rule on state laws


This the answer to your question

I will give brainiest to all correct answers!
1. Which set of words pertains to actions the government takes on behalf of certain individuals (s)?
A. policies; the president
B. programs; the voting public
C. policies; the people
D. programs; Congress because they can have a corrupting influence on government

2. The defining characteristics of a public policy are that it must affect many people, be accepted as legitimate, and have which of the following characteristics?

A. It must follow the rules of due process.
B. It must be created through a political process.
C. It must be enacted into law.
D. It must enforce itself.

3. Which of the following is an example of a governmental policy?

A. The nonprofit organization Consumers Union takes legal action against misleading advertisers.
B. The Federal Trade Commission takes action against misleading advertisers.
C. A private citizen organizes a boycott of misleading advertisers.
D. The Federal Reserve Bank prosecutes misleading advertisers.

4. What does it mean to say that a policy is legitimate?
A. The policy is something over which the government has power.
B. The policy provides broadly distributed benefits and all costs are focused on a narrowly defined group.
C. The policy is closely tied to one political party or interest group.
D. Most people benefit from the policy.

5. When the costs of a policy are broadly distributed and the policy's benefits are concentrated, that policy will be debated through a process of what kind of politics?

A. interest-group
B. entrepreneurial
C. client
D. majoritarian

6. Agenda setting is a step in which of the following?

A. the policy-making process
B. the policy cycle
C. the policy dance
D. the policy process

7. What is the correct order for the steps of the policy cycle?

1. A problem is identified and moved to the government's to-do list.

2. The government puts a policy into effect and enforces the policy.

3. The government and the public review a policy and decide if it should be continued, altered, or canceled.
4. The government selects a policy that it will use to address a problem.

A. 4, 2, 3, 1
B. 3, 1, 4, 2
C. 2, 3, 1, 4
D. 1, 4, 2, 3

8. Which is not a way a citizen can participate in policymaking decisions?

A. e-mailing the citizen's representative to express his or her opinion of a proposed gun control bill
B. answering a survey on attitudes toward U.S. military involvement overseas
C. paying federal and state taxes
D. starting a petition to demand the repeal of a local curfew

9. Which of the following holds the ultimate responsibility for making and carrying out governmental policy?
A. the people
B. judges
C. members of Congress
D. government bureaucrats

10. When the Philadelphia City Council rebuilt Love Park with new benches and planters, what step in the policy cycle was it following?
A. policy adoption
B. policy enforcement
C. policy implementation
D. policy evaluation



c b a d b a cd


the Bolshevik Revolution brought many changes to Russia, but there was an aspect of continuity. what was it?​



The continuity of some of the worst aspects from Tsarism


The new Red regime instituted policies that allowed for the murder of political rivals and individuals seen as "dangerous" to Soviet ideology, as well as the torture and exile of said individuals.

How does a reduction in consumer spending create problems for companies who sell products


Those companies won’t make money because consumers aren’t buying their products

Which sentence from the excerpt best identifies the problem?

So they came by the thousands—kids, really, twenty-somethings, a few in their thirties.
But their goal was clear-cut, and that was enough.
No one knew for sure how to get to the moon, how to land, or get home.
That gave them purpose: a reason to puzzle out the problems and seek solutions rather than sleep.



"No one knew for sure how to get to the moon, how to land, or get home."

The first move of the U.S. in the Persian Gulf War was called Operation Desert Thunder Desert Shield Desert Storm​



Desert storm


something to do with Saddam Hussein's army invading Kuwait...

Which social problems led Progressives to support reform measures? Check all that apply.
O unsafe working conditions
O child labor
overcrowded housing
low prices for crops
poor education
O alcohol abuse
Pls help



Unsafe working conditions, child labor, and poor education.


city in which as many as 120,000 people were killed by an atomic bomb
A Holocaust
B Hiroshima
C appeasement



B. Hiroshima


Hiroshima is the Japanese city where around 120,000 people were killed by an atomic bomb.

The United States detonated this bomb during WWII, which led to the end of the war.

Appeasement and the Holocaust were also during WWII, however, they do not fit the description in the questions. Appeasement was a political/war tactic, and the Holocaust was a long term event.

So, the correct answer is B. Hiroshima


B:  Hiroshima

I hope this helps:)

The social activism of the Second Great Awakening

-gave rise to the anti slavery and temperance movements
-led to the Catholic Pope bringing together the Second Vatican Council
-led to a decrease in church attendance
-contributed to the American independence movement



-gave rise to the anti slavery and temperance movements

When the Second Great Awakening happened, it led to social activism that gave rise to the anti slavery and temperance movements.

What was the result of the Second Great Awakening?

The Second Great Awakening in the United States called for people to work on their personal relationship with God.

It also called for people to take care of their fellow humans more and this inspired movements that called for an end to slavery and overindulgence in alcohol.

Find out more on the Temperance movement at


Onde e quando o Baseball apareceu?


Answer: June 19, 1846

Explanation: Fue entonces cuando apareció el béisbol, pero necesitaba usar un traductor. No hablo español. No entiendo la pregunta, así que pregúnteme si está confundido.

How does the Magna Carte affect our lives today?



It affects our lives currently by being seen as a base for accounta ility, popular democracy and engaged citizens.

When was president Lincoln assassinated


Lincoln was assassinated on April 15, 1865


1.) Members of the National Socialist German Workers Party were known as ______ .









2.) In regards to it’s colonies south of the Sahara, France ________________ ,


sent military forces to squash rebellions


ruled with an iron fist


established puppet governments in the colonies


allowed the people to choose whether or not to remain a colony

3.) became a new country as a result of civil war in Pakistan

4.) Where was Nelson Mandela when Desmond Tutu predicted he would be prime minister?


campaigning for the office


working in a bank


in prison


in Switzerland

5.) Hitler’s program of genocide that killed as many as 6 million Jews

6.) Why did Desmond Tutu think South Africa needed Nelson Mandela?


to call for the release of prisoners


to be the first black prime minister


to go into exile


to lead South African whites




1 - D

2- D

3- Bangladesh


5- not sure

6- C




4- a





~you beautiful


~hope it helps

9. Which of the following statements describes the social situation of the United States
before Jacksonian Democracy?
A. Hundreds of craftspeople were opening shops in the cities.
B. Small farmers were profiting from new technologies.
C. Power was in the hands of a few wealthy individuals.
D. Ordinary Americans were gaining a voice in government.





List three ways Africans Americans were treated unequally while in the



By early 1863, voluntary enlistment to the Union army had so sharply deteriorated that an unpopular military draught was instituted by the federal government and black and white troops were enlisted. Indeed, President Lincoln seems likely to be resisting requests for a negotiated peace that would have included maintaining slavery in the United States by the availability of a large number of African American soldiers. 186 000 Black soldiers, representing almost 10% of all Union forces and 68 178 dead or missing Union troops, served in the Union army and another 29 000 served the Navy. 24 African Americans have been awarded the medal o by Congress


Former slaves were three-fifths of all black troops. Black soldiers were active in the struggles and the probability of Africans remaining in slavery after the Civil War was much lower.

While some of the white officers were proud to lead black troops during fighting, like Robert Gould Shaw (1837 - 1863), commanding the 54th Massachusette regiment, others showed deep resistance.

Black soldiers took part in a war with a great life threat. The government of the Confederate threatened to execute or sell captured Blacks union soldiers summarily into slavery and sometimes threatened them. When Black soldiers were killed or enslaved, Lincoln responded by menacing retaliating against the Confederate prisoners.

The first black regiment raised in the North, the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, conducted a fitting attack on Fort Wagner in July1863 and guarded Charleston's Port, South Carolinas. The regiment was made up of two of Frederick Douglass' sons. In the unsuccessful attack, over forty% of members of the Regiment were killed or injured including Colonel Gould Shaw, who was shot dead in charge, in a leading anti-slavery family.

During the war, African-US troops also waged another fight: the fight against pay discrimination, advocacy and medical care. Despite their promises of equal handling, Black people were relegated to white officers' separate regiments. Black soldiers had less wages, lower benefits and poorer foods and equipment than white soldiers.

While a white private has received $13 a month and a clothing allowance of $3,50, the blacks have only received $10 a month, of which a $3 clothing allowance. Furthermore, the enrolment bonus commonly paid for white soldiers was not provided to black soldiers, and the federal government refused to commission black officers until the end of the war.

The black troops were constantly humiliated within ranks, mostly in menial tasks and fatigue jobs in rear echelon. They were punished with whips or thumbs; they were executed when captured by the Confederates. However, African American soldiers won the fight for equal pay in 1864 and they could act as line officers in 1865. In 1865 they had the right to fight. Based on training and education received in the military, during the course of the reconstruction many former troops became community leaders.

One Union commander explained the importance to the attitudes of many white soldiers of black military participation. "He wrote, a large number [white people] have the idea that the whole Black race is very deprived of it. I think a couple weeks of calm, unprejudiced life would disappoint them. I have a higher opinion than I ever had about their capabilities before. I know many of them were vastly the superior... to the brutal degradation of those who would convict their lives."

What is the purpose of Norris’ speech?



To get the US to turn away from entering war against Germany.


What institution lost influence as the kings increased theirs?
A. the treasury
b. the church
c. the aristocracy
d. none of the above



You have many questions talaga hahaBut this is the answer:A. The treasury


#hopeithelpsstay safe and keep wellmark me as brainliest now pls

Shortly after the Munich Agreement gave Germany the Sudetenland, Hitler invaded



britian france poland italy russia belarus


Explanation:that’s the answer

Which describes how North Carolina fared overall during the war



Fairly poorly


Assuming this is civil war era North Carolina, many of the people fighting for the rebel army from there were poor tobacco farmers. Many of them died and that caused North Carolina to experience slight economic depression. Many North Carolinian churches also operated for the underground railroad, especially Wesleyan churches, so the rebel army didnt have many places to stay after marching long hours and losing battles

Why was Congress concerned about maintaining the balance between free
states and slave states?



Because without a proper balance between the two, the union may not have been established in first place,

Either because one of the two blocks - the slaves states and the free states- would have been set too powerful for the other to participate in the determination of public policy. Or because the blocks would have not agreed to join the union under such circumstances in first place.

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